The Lambeth Green Party is committed to a life based on democracy and justice within the planet’s limits.
In 2018 five green councillors were elected who fought cuts to local services and plans for estate demolition across the borough. Lambeth Green Party and Councillors made Lambeth the first borough in London to declare a climate emergency.
In May 2022, we achieved 22% of the vote in Lambeth. Two Green Councillors were elected to Lambeth Council who are working hard to deliver on the pledges we made to local residents.
Work with us to make change happen. Help us to create a fairer, healthier and more sustainable future for all.
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- Clean Up Streatham – Lambeth Council petition responseHi everyone, Thank you again for helping us bring this important issue to the council and for your patience in waiting for their response. According to the constitution, the council is… Read more: Clean Up Streatham – Lambeth Council petition response
- Lambeth Green Cllr Autumn UpdateLambeth Green Councillors are pleased to share an update of their activities over recent months, as well as some upcoming events. Read on for more details. GREENS IN THE PRESS Scott… Read more: Lambeth Green Cllr Autumn Update
- PRESS RELEASE: Greens demand more openness and accountability from Lambeth CouncilThursday 17 October 2024 At last night’s full council meeting, Green Party councillors’ questions went unanswered as they highlighted peoples’ concerns that so many residents’ and workers’ voices were not being… Read more: PRESS RELEASE: Greens demand more openness and accountability from Lambeth Council
- Sign our petition to Clean Up PetitionLocal residents, businesses and councillors in Streatham are uniting in dismay at Lambeth Council’s continued neglect of our neighbourhoods. Our streets and pavements are dirty. Fly tipping is rampant. Rubbish ends… Read more: Sign our petition to Clean Up Petition
- Lambeth Green Party Summer Councillor HighlightsLambeth Green councillors have been resisting Labour’s totalitarian style of administration, promoting climate action, standing against far-right extremism and supporting local residents. Read on for the full details. Statement of Solidarity… Read more: Lambeth Green Party Summer Councillor Highlights
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