Welcome to the Lambeth Green Party


The Lambeth Green Party is committed to a life based on democracy and justice within the planet’s limits.

In 2018 five green councillors were elected who fought cuts to local services and plans for estate demolition across the borough. Lambeth Green Party and Councillors made Lambeth the first borough in London to declare a climate emergency.

In May 2022, we achieved 22% of the vote in Lambeth. Two Green Councillors were elected to Lambeth Council who are working hard to deliver on the pledges we made to local residents.

Work with us to make change happen. Help us to create a fairer, healthier and more sustainable future for all.

Our Candidates in the 2024 General Election

Shao-Lan Yuen
Green Party Candidate
Clapham and Brixton Hill

Shao-Lan has lived in Lambeth since 2012, been a local government officer since 2017 and ran as local councillor in 2022. She has had a varied career in education and public service, including in the Galapagos Islands and helping refugees and asylum seekers to find English classes. She’s vegan, a yogi and a family celebrant who loves salsa dancing.

She is appalled by the atrocities and inhumanity we’ve witnessed in Palestine. Starmer and Sunak have both failed by refusing to call out war crimes.

Shao-Lan says: “I’m a Green because of the party’s progressive policies and bold stance on social justice”

Pete Elliott
Green Party Candidate
Dulwich and west Norwood

Pete is an active local campaigner on issues facing Dulwich and West Norwood. He’s championed residents of Central Hill and other estates facing demolition. As a Lambeth councillor he helped get London’s first Climate Emergency motion passed, campaigned to ban glyphosate weedkiller, pressed for divestment from fossil fuels and for better air pollution monitoring in the borough.

Pete is an engineer and project manager who spent 22 years in the military. Through this he’s seen how money is wasted. He’s appalled at the savagery and inhumanity of the Palestine conflict. He supports the Green Party’s call for fair treatment of migrants and refugees, unlike the other major parties.

Pete says “The Tories have no chance. Labour will win big, but they need Green MPs to hold them to account. Vote Green to press for real meaningful change.”

Scott Ainslie
Green Party Candidate
Streatham and Croydon North

Scott has lived here for 27 years, brought up a family, and been a longstanding community champion, a councillor in Streatham, and a former Member of the European Parliament.

Scott fights for justice – from victims of abuse and homeless families, to estate demolitions and the war in Gaza.

As your MP, Scott will stand up to the creeping privatisation of the NHS and other public services and make sure we all share in a fairer future.

Scott says:

“Labour have driven Lambeth Council deep into debt and bankrupted Croydon Council! They are not to be trusted.”

“We need a strong constituency MP to serve the magnificently diverse areas of Streatham, Norbury, Thornton Heath, and Upper Norwood.”

Photo of Catherine Dawkins Green Party Candidate Vauxhall and Camberwell Green #GetGreensElected

Contact via Southwark Green Party

Catherine Dawkins
Green Party Candidate
Vauxhall and Camberwell Green

Catherine has been a local resident and campaigner for the best part of 10 years, demanding real change and making sure other parties lift their game and work smarter and harder for our community.

Greens work with local people and we aren’t whipped so can really represent the views of residents rather than toe the party line. 

Catherine says: “Voting Green is never a wasted vote. More crosses in the ballot box shows visible and vital support for Green policies.”

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