Council urged to continue with Low Traffic Neighbourhood schemes

Green Party councillors are urging Lambeth council to continue its support for Low Traffic Neighbourhoods at tonight’s full council meeting.

The call comes as the council will vote on a motion that demands the reversal of Low Traffic Neighbourhood schemes across the borough (1).

St Leonards Green Cllr, Nicole Griffiths says: “Low Traffic Neighbourhoods are an integral part of a larger strategy across Lambeth and London to reduce vehicle use and toxic air levels. Any strategy needs to acknowledge that some car owners have to drive to get around or access work and ensure emergency and essential services remain unaffected. TfL data shows that nearly 80% of car journeys are under 2km. We would encourage all those who can to walk or cycle as an alternative to do so, and help create safer, cleaner streets for all”

“The motion brought to council this evening by Cllr Briggs fails to acknowledge the positive impact on health and neighbourhoods that reducing car use brings”

Although the long-term benefits of these schemes will only be felt over time, they significantly reduce air pollution, encourage “active” modes of travel, lower collision rates, through traffic and increase community activity. LTNs offer a safe and comfortable means to achieve this (2).

Lambeth council declared a Climate Emergency nearly two years ago setting the target to be carbon-zero by 2030. It is essential that the council acts now to reduce emissions and address its dangerously high levels of toxic air.

London-wide, the number of deaths directly attributable to air pollution total approximately 10 thousand a year, with a further 40 thousand whose health is impacted, many of whom are children. As part of a wider strategy, Low Traffic Neighbourhoods mean less traffic in our local roads and therefore lower levels of pollution.

St Leonards Green Cllr, Nicole Griffiths says: “It is important that the council listens to the views of residents, as well as the emergency and essential services, to effectively deliver Low Traffic Neighbourhoods. We must also recognise the concerns surrounding the rising rates of COVID infection, which, coupled with the reduced capacity on public transport, has led to many more people completing journeys by car. Engagement is key to find solutions to the issues of high toxic air pollution levels, congested roads, rat running and speeding in residential areas.”

Lambeth Green Group supports the measures the council is taking to reduce traffic levels, encourage people to use more sustainable forms of transport and make our roads safer and cleaner.”

Notes (1)

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