PRESS RELEASE – Green councillors reject Lambeth Labour’s budget

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Greens abstained on Lambeth Labour’s budget for failing to acknowledge its own financial mismanagement and conveniently omitting to mention the tens of millions of pounds wasted on the disastrous Homes for Lambeth.

Cllr Nicole Griffiths, Streatham St Leonard’s ward, noted that Lambeth residents are facing the highest rise in council tax possible alongside a decrease in council services. She said:

“The council is still no further on in solving Lambeth’s housing and homelessness crisis. Thousands of families remain in substandard housing whether it be temporary, private or council. Over half our children live in poverty.”

Cllr Scott Ainslie, Streatham St Leonard’s ward, added:

“Lambeth has done nothing to protect the more than 3000 people who have seen a 350% increase in their heating and hot water charges and are tied into shared heat networks, with no control or protection from sky rocketing fuel prices.”

Questions asked by Cllr Ainslie about the plan for spending £53m in developer contributions to community projects went unanswered.

He also called out a lack of accountability in response to the Pay Policy Statement, pointing out that staff earning over £100,000 increased from 24 to 41 since 2020 – yet only 11 senior managers out of 24 from that same year are still working at Lambeth.

“So what has the taxpayer got in return for all these additional managers? Has there been an improvement in services? No. Lambeth is still consistently ranked as one of the most complained about councils in England.”


Green Group Budget Amendment 2024-25


Zoe Peet – Green Group Support Officer

020 7926 9456

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