Lambeth Green Party is one of the largest local parties in the UK, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need more members!
If you join the Green Party and your address is in Lambeth you will automatically be added to our membership. Membership concessionary rate is just £6 per year.
We also welcome volunteers and supporters who are not Green Party members.
We are involved in many local campaigns and working hard to make Lambeth a better place to live and work.
To get involved with our campaigns, stay up to date by following us on Twitter, sign up for updates (below), or like or follow our facebook page. You can also email us or just come along to one of our events to find out more.
The Green Party is powered by people just like you. We always need volunteers to help with essential tasks, from producing leaflets and newsletters to delivering election materials, door-knocking to fundraising, supporting a local campaign or standing for election!
Whatever your skills or interests we want to hear from you, so please get in touch.