Lambeth Green Party Councillor Highlights

Scott and Nicole have been busy with the London election as well as council and ward issues.

You probably joined the Green Party because you wanted to see real systemic change. The only way we can achieve this is by getting more Greens elected at local level and building up from that base. You are key to this success. Take a look at what your Green councillors have been doing to build a fairer, greener Lambeth, and get in touch to help the party grow. We need to find a new convener (this can be a job share). Please contact us below if interested.


The Green Party remain second in Lambeth and Southwark 

There are only three constituencies across London that have the Green Party in second place: North East (Islington, Hackney & Waltham Forest), Greenwich & Lewisham and Lambeth & Southwark. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped us maintain our position in Lambeth & Southwark. This could not have been achieved without YOU. Let’s continue to build on our success through to the next general election!


Annual Full Council Meeting 

It came as no surprise that, once again, Labour’s totalitarian control of committees will enable it to evade rigorous scrutiny from opposition parties for another year. Nicole demanded that Labour improve accountability by appointing opposition members to chairing roles and Scott called out Cabinet members’ failures to step up to the huge challenges facing the borough. Watch the proceedings here.


After having his questions about sustainability rejected by the Chair at Planning Applications Committee (watch here), Scott is so deeply concerned about opposition parties being silenced that he is lodging a formal complaint. Similarly, Nicole’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings are being postponed due to unfinished reports (schedule here). Both councillors are doing all they can to ensure committees can perform the necessary checks and balances on the Labour administration. 

Site Allocations Development Plan Consultation

The Green Group submitted a response to the SADP consultation, which identifies the larger sites across the borough for development. You can read our response here. 

New Councillor Roles

Scott has now taken on leadership duties as Nicole has stepped back from her co-leader position to focus on her ward councillor duties and other responsibilities. 



Scott spoke on Lambeth’s long-awaited selective licensing scheme at Cabinet which you can view here. The Greens have been advocating for an SLS since 2019 to help make the private rented sector fairer and safer for tenants. We will be monitoring the pilot phase to ensure outcomes for residents meet the policy’s intent. 

Tree Replanting

Councillors continue to protect existing tree canopy and have successfully lobbied Lambeth to replace street trees throughout the borough. By setting these precedents, Lambeth has recently revised its Kerbside policy to allow 1.5m pavement width to be retained where 2m isn’t possible and to plant new trees at pace across the borough and to still meet accessibility requirements.


Woodgate Drive

The campaign continues against the overdevelopment at 100 Woodgate Drive. Both councillors are working to support residents in their appeal to the London Mayor to have the application overturned. Take action urgently by writing to the Mayor using the Woodgate Tower Protest Group’s template here.

Brockwell Park Tree Felling

Nicole and Scott have questioned council officers, and pushed back, on the decision to fell trees with nesting birds and mistletoe during spring, when they had plenty of opportunity to do so in the colder months.

Sustainable Timber Development

Scott visited one of London’s most sustainable building developments on Old Paradise Rd in Vauxhall. Cross laminated timber is used to absorb, rather than emit, carbon.

Lambeth Walk Surgery

Scott attended a local meeting in Waterloo to help the campaign to stop the closure of Lambeth Walk GP Practice. The Lambeth Health and Wellbeing board insist that people walk almost two miles to the newly proposed site. Scott said: “This is a scandal. There are people who cannot walk ten yards, let alone two miles. Lambeth should allow the closed Day Centre on the Denby Estate to be used as a temporary practice until a permanent solution is found.”

S21 notices on regen estates

Nicole is investigating reports of S21 notices being issued by Homes for Lambeth on regeneration estates, with both the council Housing team and the HfL director. 

Update on Gaza

Both Nicole and Scott continue to support the call for an immediate ceasefire and the end of human rights abuses in Gaza. Nicole attended another march this month. 

Film screening: I Could Never Go Vegan

Scott met the Pickering brothers at their screening in Brixton. Learn more about their film and animal welfare here.

Local News

Streatham Kite Day

Nicole and Scott attended the highly popular kite day on Streatham common. It was great to see so many families and people of all ages taking part in the event. Councillors took the opportunity to drop in on stalls for community groups.

Train Station Lifts

After a long period of maintenance the lifts at Streatham Station are finally back in action! Scott will be meeting with the operators at the end of May to find out why the problem persisted for so long.

Streatham Theatre

Scott and Nicole are working cross party to keep this as a cultural hub for the arts. If you’re interested in joining their campaign you can follow the group here.

Integrate Event

Scott spoke at the Funding the Local Sector meeting organised by Streatham Action Group last week. If you have a great idea for your local community contact Streatham Action Group about grant funding opportunities.

Chamber of Commerce

Scott met with the leader to discuss supporting small businesses. Both he and Nicole are  still waiting on a response from the Corporate Director for Climate and Inclusive Growth at Lambeth Council about the implementation of the Streatham High Road Visioning document.

Nicole and Scott could not do what they do without the help of members like you. Please get in touch to help support their work.

Best wishes – Nicole and Scott.

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